BIM Services

BIM Services

BIM modeling

BIM model is an elaborate, detailed, 3D model of the project, consisting of hundreds of thousands of distinct building elements, containing all relevant physical information and metadata of the project and it is the core of all of Astler’s analyses. The richer the BIM model is with information, the more and better accurate analyses are provided from it.
The initial model is based on Architectural and Structural drawings from the tendering documentation and is used for visualizations and conceptual analysis. A detailed BIM model is developed based on Architectural, Structural and MEP shop-drawings, in coordination with the Client.

Calsh report

Clash detection is a critical part of every project design review, and, in our experience, has a great positive impact on construc­tion time as almost all potential design conflicts are solved before reaching the construction site. In traditional 2D design processes, visualization is extremely difficult and therefore, typically, many geometric conflicts between building elements are created which are hard to detect and are usually left to be solved at the construction site. Our solutions incorporate a clash detection engine which can perform geometric conflict analyses against any given number of groups of elements. The engine is responsible for detecting all cases of physically impossible relationships between building elements, such as when geometry of one element goes through another element. This is indicative to various design flaws which can be mended well before the project design domentations reach the construction site. 


Quantity takeoff analysis relies heavily on the BIM 3D model, and provides quantities of all major work items. These quantities give great insight into the construction process, and can be broken down by various criteria, such as per building, spatial structure, work type etc.

Detailed Quantity analysis of major work groups broken down by various criteria:

  • Building;
  • Spatial Structure;
  • WorkType;
  • Zones and other element groups

Progress control

Once actual progress data is available, various planned vs. actual analyses can be produced from the BIM model. By analyzing construction progress, the current construction schedule can be revised in order to get a clear perspective of the current
project state, give suggestions to reduce delays and mitigate risks.


  • Analyzing Construction Progress
  • Monitoring actual construction progress versus planned Construction Schedule
  • Updating Construction Schedule with progress data
  • Early warning notices
  • Two-week-ahead plan based on current progress

Production control

By gaining insight into productivity rates of work on certain areas, we are not just validating our norms but gaining the ability to reallocate available resources to more critical tasks, reschedule or perform additional allocations of resources to tasks where performance is not up to standard. Productivity reports offer information about the speed of construction per different work types, subcontractors, time periods etc.

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